ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified

Every organization nowadays plans to reduce their CARBON FOOT PRINTS, to make their end products greener. At KIS, we have developed world class GREEN TECHNOLOGIES, which are affordable and profitable. Our Technologies help our clients to reduce their carbon foot prints.


KIS IS THE ONLY TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER DOING A CDM-POA IN INDONESIA FOR ALL BIOGAS PROJECTS COVERING ALL INDUSTRIES. This enables all our biogas projects post 2012 to keep generating and earning carbon credits.Even though the price of CER's have reduced drastically, there is small revenue each year from the sale these carbon credits


The Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) is an arrangement under the Kyoto Protocol whereby projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are undertaken in developing countries can claim financial benefits in the form of carbon credits. Under this mechanism emissions of each ton of CO2, or its equivalent in other GHGs that are reduced, are eligible to earn a carbon credit, generally known as a CER.

KIS is a PIONEER AND LEADING firm offering both the green technology services along with Clean Development Mechanism consultancy through a single window with its presence in INDIA, MALAYSIA, INDONESIA, SINGAPORE, LATINAMERICA, BRAZIL and also in AFRICA. Our expertise is in renewable energy projects providing complete range of services from concept to selling CERs.

KIS undertakes the entire CDM project cycle from project conceptualization to final certification by UNFCCC with its technical CDM expertise. The services and steps involved in CDM process that are offered to the clients are:

1. Review the project activity and assess eligibility criteria for CDM

2. Preparation of Pin

3. Appointment of DOE

4. Stakeholders consultation

5. Prepare PDD

6. Host country approval

7. Organize and manage validation process

8. Assist the company in monitoring and verification

The final stage is the issuance of CERS and assists in the transaction of the CERSs.

Following are few industries we offer CDM along with Technologies.

1. Total Green technology project with Zero Pond and Higher Biogas(ZPHB®) for Palm oil mill effluent (POME) Wastewater treatment through anaerobic digestion as opposed to anaerobic lagoons, to avoid methane emissions.

2. Bagasse based electricity generation.

3. Effluent Treatment of all types of industries to reduce methane emissions.

4. Food processing industries.

5. Pig farm, Chicken litter, Cattle manure and Slaughter house waste.


We have track record of successfully registering all our projects as CDM registered projects which were/are eligible for CDM. Total of 6 projects have been registered as CDM projects in South East Asia.

Following are CDM registered projects.

1. PT. Agromuko
2. PT. Maya Agro Investama
3. PT. Umbul Mas Wisesa
4. Hargy Oil Palms
5. PT. TolanTiga
6. PT. Mitra Mendawadi Sejati

Following are under CDM registration:

1. PT. Parna Agro Mas
3. PT. Kalimantan Sawit Abadi
4. PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana
5. PT. Rafi Kamajava Abadi
6. PT. Tasik Raja

Sr.No Details of Project Status Co2 Emission Reduction CER Tons/year
1. PT.Agromuko Registered 65,367
2. PT.Maya Agro Investma Registered 84,043
3. Hargy Oil Mill (PAPUA NEW GUINEA) Registered 72,407
4. PT. Umbal Mas Wisesa (UMW) Registered 89,646
5. PT. Tolantiga (Perlabian) Registered 99,301
6. PT. MitraMendawadiSejati (MMS) Registered 96,973
7. PT. Parna Agra Mas (PAM) Under Registration 93,094
8. PT. TintinBoyokSawitMakmur (TBSM) Under Registration 93,094
9. PT. Tasik Raja Under Registration 70,036
10. PT. Kalimantan SawitAbadi Under Registration 91,543
11. PT. SawitSumbermasSarana Under Registration 96,973
12. PT. Rafi KamajayaAbadi Under Registration 89,646