MSW (Municipal solid waste) handling and disposal are big concern in urban areas
where local government and municipalities facing issues due to lack of proper places for
conventional disposal / land fill areas and environmental problems. As conventional
practices, most of the MSW will be land filled and part will be recycled, combusted and
composted (organic fraction).
We are providing suitable solutions for handling MSW from Municipalities to cities to
convert MSW to Biogas Energy through Anaerobic Digestion by using our ZPHB® reactor. This will reduce the quantity of material being land filled, stabilize the
organic material before disposal in order to reduce Environmental impacts from air and
water emissions and recover energy.
In India and other countries, many of the AD plants were completely failed due to
improper detailed engineering mainly Pre Treatment where separation of inorganic,
plastics and other materials from organic fraction of the wastes takes places. We will
conduct feasibility study to ensure the maximum receiving of organic fraction of MSW
for better efficiency of AD system and make lesser ROI of the project.